Anatomic Characteristics of the Distal Oblique Bundle of the Interosseous Membrane of the Forearm

Cureus. 2019 Jan 25;11(1):e3964. doi: 10.7759/cureus.3964.


The distal oblique bundle of the forearm is a structure that has been under vigorous investigation for the past decade. It is part of the distal interosseous membrane (DIOM) and seems to have an important stabilizing effect in the distal radioulnar joint. In this essay, we have tried to summarize the anatomical characteristics of the structure. We have also compared and contrasted this to our own experience with eight freshly frozen forearms. It is our strong belief that the distal oblique bundle (DOB) may play a keystone role in future stabilization techniques of the distal radioulnar joint, and its anatomy characteristics need to be fully investigated.

Keywords: distal interosseous membrane; distal oblique bundle; distal radioulnar joint.