Handling Perishable Foods

J Food Prot. 1977 May;40(5):337-339. doi: 10.4315/0362-028X-40.5.337.


Food service industry management has been interested in help to meet sanitary regulations, reduce food spoilage, lengthen keeping quality, and prevent foodborne illness. Materials were developed for 1-day workshops to provide practical suggestions for handling perishable and preserved foods. Products included were meats, poultry and eggs, milk and dairy products, delicatessen, fruits, vegetables and seafood. A 200-page reference book and 12 sets of slides or filmstrips were used to outline spoilage, food poisoning, personal hygiene, equipment sanitation, and proper food handling practices. A program has been conducted at 16 locations in Pennsylvania. Participants have been supervisors from stores, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, restaurants, vending companies, and fast food operations. Educational materials and programs will train food service personnel how to handle perishable foods.