Neurolytic Blocks

In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan.


A neurolytic block is the targeted destruction of a nerve or nerve plexus. Frequently, the term neuroablation is used to also describe the physical interruption of pain either chemically, thermally, or surgically. All neurolytic techniques cause Wallerian degeneration of the nerve axon distal to the lesion. Chemicals were extensively utilized in the past for neurolysis in the early 20 century. The first report of chemical neurolysis was made in 1863 by Luton who delivered irritant chemicals subcutaneously in patients with sciatic neuralgia, offering them significant alleviation of pain. [Luton A, generales de medecin, 1863] The advent of newer and safer modalities have been introduced into pain practice including radiofrequency ablation (RFA), cryoablation, and neurosurgical procedures. The advancements in imaging modalities such as fluoroscopy have improved the precision and efficiency of targeted neurolysis.

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