Publisher Correction: Calibration of CAR activation potential directs alternative T cell fates and therapeutic potency

Nat Med. 2019 Mar;25(3):530. doi: 10.1038/s41591-019-0360-3.


In the version of this article originally published, there was an error in the legend for Extended Data Fig. 7. The legend for panel f was originally: "f, FACS analysis of IL7R-, CD62L- and CD45RA- expression on TRAC-1928ζ and TRAC-1XX CAR T cells at day 63 post CAR infusion (representative for at least n = 3 mice per group in one independent experiment)." The legend should have been: "f, FACS analysis of IL7R+, CD62L+ and CD45RA+ expression on TRAC-1928ζ and TRAC-1XX CAR T cells at day 63 post CAR infusion (representative for at least n = 3 mice per group in one independent experiment)." The error has been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of this article.

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