Malignant pilomatricoma of the cheek in an infant

Arch Craniofac Surg. 2018 Dec;19(4):283-286. doi: 10.7181/acfs.2018.02138. Epub 2018 Dec 27.


Malignant pilomatricoma (pilomatrical carcinoma) is a rare, locally occurring malignant tumor with a high rate of recurrence in the case of incomplete excision. This tumor has two characteristics. First, recurrences of pilomatrical carcinoma are common; second, distant metastasis is rare, but if it occurs, it is very fatal. It has characteristic features of high mitotic counts, cellular atypia, and local invasion. Although fine needle aspiration and excisional biopsy could help to confirm this tumor diagnosis, pathologic findings are critical. Pilomatricomas have some characteristic features in histological aspect, such as epithelial islands of basaloid cells and shadow cells or ghost cell. Also, various types of immunohistochemical staining are used to confirm the diagnosis. Despite the lack of clear surgical criteria, treatment is a wide local excision with histologically clear resection margins with or without adjuvant radiotherapy.

Keywords: Facial neoplasm; Malignant pilomatricoma; Pilomatricoma; Pilomatrixoma.