The Effects of Education and Training Given to Phlebotomists for Reducing Preanalytical Errors

J Med Biochem. 2018 Apr 1;37(2):172-180. doi: 10.1515/jomb-2017-0045. eCollection 2018 Apr.


Background: The most common sources of error in the preanalytical phase are considered to be at the stage of patient preparation and sample collection. In order to reduce the preanalytical errors, we aimed to determine the level of phlebotomists knowledge about the preanalytic phase before and after planned trainings in the study.

Methods: Training about preanalytical processes was given to the 454 health professionals and the majority of them were employed as nurse. Questionnaires before and after training were conducted. In order to assess the effect of the training into the process, preanalytical error rates were calculated before and after training.

Results: The total correct answer rates of vocational school of health diplomaed were statistically lower than the total correct answer rates of other. It was observed significantly increase in the rate of correct answers to questionnaire and significantly decrease in preanalytical error rates after training.

Conclusions: The results of the survey showed that the attitudes of the phlebotomists were diverse in the preanalytical processes according to the levels of education and their practices. By providing training to all staff on a regular basis, their information about preanalytical phase could be updated and hence, it may possible to significantly reduce the preanalytical errors in health practice and nursing science.

Uvod: Najčešći izvor grešaka u preanalitičkoj fazi jeste u pripremi pacijenta i uzimanju uzorka. U nameri da se umanje preanalitičke greške, cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi nivo znanja flebotomista pre i posle planirane obuke istih.

Metode: Obuka o preanalitičkom procesu obuhvatila je 454 zdrava profesionalca od kojih su većina bile zaposlene sestre. Sprovedeno je ispitivanje putem upitnika pre i nakon obuke. Kako bi se procenio uspeh obuke izračunat je nivo preanalitičkih grešaka pre i posle obuke.

Rezultati: Ukupan broj tačnih odgovora bio je statistički manji kod školovanih zdravstvenih radnika u odnosu na ukupan broj ostalih. Takođe je uočeno značajno povećanje tačnih odgovora u upitniku i značajno smanjenje preanalitičkih grešaka nakon obuke.

Zaključak: Rezultati ovih ispitivanja ukazuju da greške u pre-analitičkoj fazi značajno zavise od nivoa obrazovanja flebotomista. Obezbeđivanjem obuke ukupnom laboratorijskom osoblju je od velikog značaja u svakodnevnom radu, kao i poznavanje svih informacija o preanalitičkoj fazi, što značajno umanjuje broj mogućih grešaka u zdravstvenoj službi.

Keywords: education; phlebotomy; preanalytical error; training.