Low-dimensional paradigms for high-dimensional hetero-chaos

Chaos. 2018 Oct;28(10):103110. doi: 10.1063/1.5045693.


The dynamics on a chaotic attractor can be quite heterogeneous, being much more unstable in some regions than others. Some regions of a chaotic attractor can be expanding in more dimensions than other regions. Imagine a situation where two such regions and each contains trajectories that stay in the region for all time-while typical trajectories wander throughout the attractor. Furthermore, if arbitrarily close to each point of the attractor there are points on periodic orbits that have different unstable dimensions, then we say such an attractor is "hetero-chaotic" (i.e., it has heterogeneous chaos). This is hard to picture but we believe that most physical systems possessing a high-dimensional attractor are of this type. We have created simplified models with that behavior to give insight into real high-dimensional phenomena.