Variational Renormalization Group for Dissipative Spin-Cavity Systems: Periodic Pulses of Nonclassical Photons from Mesoscopic Spin Ensembles

Phys Rev Lett. 2018 Sep 28;121(13):133601. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.133601.


Mesoscopic spin ensembles coupled to a cavity offer the exciting prospect of observing complex nonclassical phenomena that pool the microscopic features from a few spins with those of macroscopic spin ensembles. Here, we demonstrate how the collective interactions in an ensemble of as many as a hundred spins can be harnessed to obtain a periodic pulse train of nonclassical light. To unravel the full quantum dynamics and photon statistics, we develop a time-adaptive variational renormalization group method that accurately captures the underlying Lindbladian dynamics of the mesoscopic spin-cavity system.