Electrochemotherapy in melanoma patients: a single institution experience

Melanoma Manag. 2015 May;2(2):127-132. doi: 10.2217/mmt.15.9. Epub 2015 May 18.


Aim: This study was undertaken to update the outcome of the treated lesions with electrochemotherapy (ECT) plus intravenous injection of bleomycin in patients with in-transit disease or distant cutaneous metastases in melanoma patients.

Patients & methods: 89 patients with relapsed and refractory cutaneous melanoma metastases or in-transit disease were submitted to 126 treatments of ECT.

Results: 34 patients (38.2%) had a partial response and 43 had a complete response (48.3%). 12 patients (13.5%) had no change or progressive disease. The objective response rate was 67.5%.

Conclusion: The favorable outcome obtained in the present study demonstrates that ECT is a reliable, easy, fast and effective procedure showing benefits in terms of curative and palliative treatment for unresectable cutaneous lesions respecting the quality of life.

Keywords: cutaneous metastases; electrochemotherapy; in-transit; loco-regional treatments; melanoma.