Chemical constituents of apolar fractions from fruit latex of twelve Clusia species (Clusiaceae)

An Acad Bras Cienc. 2018 Aug;90(2 suppl 1):1919-1927. doi: 10.1590/0001-3765201820170257.


The apolar fractions components of fruit latex of twelve species of Clusia belonging to four different taxonomic sections were examined by GC-MS. The latex of Clusia is characterised by large amounts of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons as major constituents like germacrene D: C. paralicola (44.28 %), C. criuva subsp. criuva (29.03 %); β-caryophyllene: C. fluminensis (35.61 %), C. lanceolata (36.39 %), C. hilariana (58.10 %); α-trans-bergamontene: C. spirictus-sanctensis (36.30 %); α-bulnesene: C. weddelliana (25.61 %); bicyclogermacrene: C. panapanari (25.93 %) and trans-β-farnesene: C. nemorosa (24.63 %), while C. grandiflora is composed of 42.16 % monoterpene hydrocarbons. Verbenone (31.91 %) was the major component. In contrast, C. rosea, C. grandiflora, C. lanceolata and C. criuva subsp. parviflora are rich in 3-methylcyclohexanone (19.56 %), hexadecanol (22.72 %), p-anisaldehyde (23.39 %) and octadecanol (26.81 %), respectively. This study suggests considerable chemical variation among the non-polar fractions of fruit latex of the twelve Clusia species.