Undiagnosed Peripheral Nerve Disease in Patients with Failed Lumbar Disc Surgery

Asian Spine J. 2018 Aug;12(4):720-725. doi: 10.31616/asj.2018.12.4.720. Epub 2018 Jul 27.


Study design: Retrospective study (level of evidence=3).

Purpose: We examine the relationship between residual symptoms after discectomy for lumbar disc herniation and peripheral nerve (PN) neuropathy.

Overview of literature: Patients may report persistent or recurrent symptoms after lumbar disc herniation surgery; others fail to respond to a variety of treatments. Some PN neuropathies elicit symptoms similar to those of lumbar spine disease.

Methods: We retrospectively analyzed data for 13 patients treated for persistent (n=2) or recurrent (n=11) low back pain (LBP) and/or leg pain after primary lumbar discectomy.

Results: Lumbar re-operation was required for four patients (three with recurrent lumbar disc herniation and one with lumbar canal stenosis). Superior cluneal nerve (SCN) entrapment neuropathy (EN) was noted in 12 patients; SCN block improved the symptoms for eight of these patients. In total, nine patients underwent PN surgery (SCN-EN, n=4; peroneal nerve EN, n=3; tarsal tunnel syndrome, n=1). Their symptoms improved significantly.

Conclusions: Concomitant PN disease should be considered for patients with failed back surgery syndrome manifesting as persistent or recurrent LBP.

Keywords: Intervertebral disc disease; Lumbosacral region; Nerve compression syndrome; Peripheral nerve; Low back pain.