Sex in Marriage: Love-Giving, Live-Giving

Linacre Q. 2018 May;85(2):127-147. doi: 10.1177/0024363918774692. Epub 2018 Jun 8.


In 1969, Cardinal O'Boyle addressed many questions people had about the teachings of Pope Paul VI's encyclical Humanae vitae. Topics covered then are still of interest today to new generations: questions on revelation, conscience, infallibility, contraception, natural family planning, religious assent, government involvement in birth control, faith, morality, natural law, the ends of marriage, the spirit of Vatican II, receiving the sacraments, overpopulation, responsible parenthood, and disagreement among theologians, among others. Cardinal O'Boyle's answers are as enlightening and relevant today as they were then.

Keywords: Humanae vitae; conscience; contraception; marriage; natural family planning.