A "roller-wheel" Pt-containing small molecule that outperforms its polymer analogs in organic solar cells

Chem Sci. 2016 Sep 1;7(9):5798-5804. doi: 10.1039/c6sc00513f. Epub 2016 May 23.


A novel Pt-bisacetylide small molecule (Pt-SM) featuring "roller-wheel" geometry was synthesized and characterized. When compared with conventional Pt-containing polymers and small molecules having "dumbbell" shaped structures, Pt-SM displays enhanced crystallinity and intermolecular π-π interactions, as well as favorable panchromatic absorption behaviors. Organic solar cells (OSCs) employing Pt-SM achieve power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) up to 5.9%, the highest reported so far for Pt-containing polymers and small molecules.