Magnetic imaging of a single ferromagnetic nanowire using diamond atomic sensors

Nanotechnology. 2018 Oct 5;29(40):405502. doi: 10.1088/1361-6528/aad2fe. Epub 2018 Jul 12.


Recent advances in nanorobotic manipulation of ferromagnetic nanowires bring new avenues for applications in the biomedical area, such as targeted drug delivery, diagnostics or localized surgery. However, probing a single nanowire and monitoring its dynamics remains a challenge since it demands high precision sensing, high-resolution imaging, and stable operations in fluidic environments. Here, we report on a novel method of imaging and sensing magnetic fields from a single ferromagnetic nanowire with an atomic-scale sensor in diamond, i.e. diamond nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defect center. The distribution of static magnetic fields around a single Co nanowire is mapped out by spatially distributed NV centers and the obtained image is further compared with numerical simulation for quantitative analysis. DC field measurements such as continuous-wave ODMR and Ramsey sequence are used in the paper and sub Gauss level of field sensing is demonstrated. By imaging magnetic fields at a single nanowire level, this work represents an important step toward tracking and probing of ferromagnetic nanowires in biomedical applications.