Hypothesis Testing Using Factor Score Regression: A Comparison of Four Methods

Educ Psychol Meas. 2016 Oct;76(5):741-770. doi: 10.1177/0013164415607618. Epub 2015 Sep 29.


In this article, an overview is given of four methods to perform factor score regression (FSR), namely regression FSR, Bartlett FSR, the bias avoiding method of Skrondal and Laake, and the bias correcting method of Croon. The bias correcting method is extended to include a reliable standard error. The four methods are compared with each other and with structural equation modeling (SEM) by using analytic calculations and two Monte Carlo simulation studies to examine their finite sample characteristics. Several performance criteria are used, such as the bias using the unstandardized and standardized parameterization, efficiency, mean square error, standard error bias, type I error rate, and power. The results show that the bias correcting method, with the newly developed standard error, is the only suitable alternative for SEM. While it has a higher standard error bias than SEM, it has a comparable bias, efficiency, mean square error, power, and type I error rate.

Keywords: bias; factor score regression; standard error; standardized parameterization; unstandardized parameterization.