Al-Coated Conductive Fiber Filters for High-Efficiency Electrostatic Filtration: Effects of Electrical and Fiber Structural Properties

Sci Rep. 2018 Apr 10;8(1):5747. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-23960-9.


Through the direct decomposition of an Al precursor ink AlH3{O(C4H9)2}, we fabricated an Al-coated conductive fiber filter for the efficient electrostatic removal of airborne particles (>99%) with a low pressure drop (~several Pascals). The effects of the electrical and structural properties of the filters were investigated in terms of collection efficiency, pressure drop, and particle deposition behavior. The collection efficiency did not show a significant correlation with the extent of electrical conductivity, as the filter is electrostatically charged by the metallic Al layers forming electrical networks throughout the fibers. Most of the charged particles were collected via surface filtration by Coulombic interactions; consequently, the filter thickness had little effect on the collection efficiency. Based on simulations of various fiber structures, we found that surface filtration can transition to depth filtration depending on the extent of interfiber distance. Therefore, the effects of structural characteristics on collection efficiency varied depending on the degree of the fiber packing density. This study will offer valuable information pertaining to the development of a conductive metal/polymer composite air filter for an energy-efficient and high-performance electrostatic filtration system.