Correction to: Delayed manifestations of abdominal trauma: follow-up abdominopelvic CT in posttraumatic patients

Abdom Radiol (NY). 2018 Nov;43(11):3204-3205. doi: 10.1007/s00261-017-1439-2.


The original version of this article unfortunately contained few mistakes. Under the subheading "Data extraction and review process", in line 12 the word "prospective" is incorrectly given by the author. The correct word is "retrospective". In Fig. 2D, the label should read as RA instead of LA. In Table 6, the word "ischemic/gangrenous" should read as "ischemia/gangrene" in 9th row, column 6. The revised Fig 2 and Table 6 are available in the correction article.

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  • Published Erratum