A Bayesian finite mixture change-point model for assessing the risk of novice teenage drivers

J Appl Stat. 2018;45(4):604-625. doi: 10.1080/02664763.2017.1288202. Epub 2017 Feb 10.


The driving risk during the initial period after licensure for novice teenage drivers is typically the highest but decreases rapidly right after. The change-point of driving risk is a critical parameter for evaluating teenage driving risk, which also varies substantially among drivers. This paper presents latent class recurrent-event change-point models for detecting the change-points. The proposed model is applied to the Naturalist Teenage Driving Study, which continuously recorded the driving data of 42 novice teenage drivers for 18 months using advanced in-vehicle instrumentation. We propose a hierarchical BFMM to estimate the change-points by clusters of drivers with similar risk profiles. The model is based on a non-homogeneous Poisson process with piecewise-constant intensity functions. Latent variables which identify the membership of the subjects are used to detect potential clusters among subjects. Application to the Naturalistic Teenage Driving Study identifies three distinct clusters with change-points at 52.30, 108.99 and 150.20 hours of driving after first licensure, respectively. The overall intensity rate and the pattern of change also differ substantially among clusters. The results of this research provide more insight in teenagers' driving behaviour and will be critical to improve young drivers' safety education and parent management programs, as well as provide crucial reference for the GDL regulations to encourage safer driving.

Keywords: Change-point models; Latent class models; Naturalistic driving study; Recurrent events; Teenage driving risk.