The Effect of Early Intervention Programmes for Families at Risk, on the Psychiatric Outcomes of Small Children Aged 3 and Under [Internet]

Oslo, Norway: Knowledge Centre for the Health Services at The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH); 2006. Report from Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services (NOKC) No. 04-2006.


The Southern and Eastern Regional centre for Child and Adolescent psychiatry (R.BUP Øst og Sør) received a request from the Directorate for Health and Social Affairs (SHDir) to evaluate initiative 42 in the Government’s Action Plan for Child and Adolescent Mental Health. As part of this Action Plan, the SHDir, in partnership with the child welfare authorities, would evaluate experience obtained from systematic work directed towards “high risk” families with small children, carried out both in Norway and internationally. The ultimate aim of this evaluation would be to inform the development of recommendations in this area, to be implemented on a national basis.

The background for this project has been described in the Government’s Strategic Plan. Of particular relevance is a chapter entitled “Children and young people’s encounters with society” where the following programme goals are stated:

  1. A society characterised by tolerance

  2. A health promoting and protecting society

  3. Strengthening an individual’s own resources – thus reducing unnecessary medicalisation of a problem

Publication types

  • Review