Optimized evolution of networks for principal eigenvector localization

Phys Rev E. 2017 Aug;96(2-1):022312. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.96.022312. Epub 2017 Aug 14.


Network science is increasingly being developed to get new insights about behavior and properties of complex systems represented in terms of nodes and interactions. One useful approach is investigating the localization properties of eigenvectors having diverse applications including disease-spreading phenomena in underlying networks. In this work, we evolve an initial random network with an edge rewiring optimization technique considering the inverse participation ratio as a fitness function. The evolution process yields a network having a localized principal eigenvector. We analyze various properties of the optimized networks and those obtained at the intermediate stage. Our investigations reveal the existence of a few special structural features of such optimized networks, for instance, the presence of a set of edges which are necessary for localization, and rewiring only one of them leads to complete delocalization of the principal eigenvector. Furthermore, we report that principal eigenvector localization is not a consequence of changes in a single network property and, preferably, requires the collective influence of various distinct structural as well as spectral features.