Fetal-MRI prenatal diagnosis of severe bilateral lung hypoplasia: alveolar capillary dysplasia case report

J Prenat Med. 2016 Jul-Dec;10(3-4):15-19. doi: 10.11138/jpm/2016.10.3.015.


Alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins (ACD/MPV) is a rare and lethal developmental disorder of the lung that affect both acinar structure and the intrinsic pulmonary vasculature. We report prenatal and postnatal imaging with histopathological findings of this rare condition. We, first, describe MR imaging features and discuss its role in prenatal imaging.

Keywords: alveolar capillary dysplasia; fetal MRI; pulmonary hypoplasia.

Publication types

  • Case Reports