Recoil-Sensitive Lithium Interferometer without a Subrecoil Sample

Phys Rev Lett. 2017 Jun 9;118(23):233201. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.233201. Epub 2017 Jun 9.


We report simultaneous conjugate Ramsey-Bordé interferometers with a sample of low-mass (lithium-7) atoms at 50 times the recoil temperature. We optically pump the atoms to a magnetically insensitive state using the 2S_{1/2}-2P_{1/2} line. Fast stimulated Raman beam splitters address a broad velocity class and unavoidably drive two conjugate interferometers that overlap spatially. We show that detecting the summed interference signals of both interferometers, using state labeling, allows recoil measurements and suppression of phase noise from vibrations. The use of "warm" atoms allows for simple, efficient, and high-flux atom sources and broadens the applicability of recoil-sensitive interferometry to particles that remain difficult to trap and cool.