Complete Tri-Axis Magnetometer Calibration with a Gyro Auxiliary

Sensors (Basel). 2017 May 26;17(6):1223. doi: 10.3390/s17061223.


Magnetometers combined with inertial sensors are widely used for orientation estimation, and calibrations are necessary to achieve high accuracy. This paper presents a complete tri-axis magnetometer calibration algorithm with a gyro auxiliary. The magnetic distortions and sensor errors, including the misalignment error between the magnetometer and assembled platform, are compensated after calibration. With the gyro auxiliary, the magnetometer linear interpolation outputs are calculated, and the error parameters are evaluated under linear operations of magnetometer interpolation outputs. The simulation and experiment are performed to illustrate the efficiency of the algorithm. After calibration, the heading errors calculated by magnetometers are reduced to 0.5° (1σ). This calibration algorithm can also be applied to tri-axis accelerometers whose error model is similar to tri-axis magnetometers.

Keywords: calibration; gyro auxiliary; interpolation; linear operation; tri-axis magnetometer.