Differences in Gene Expression Profiles between Early and Late Isolates in Monospecies Achromobacter Biofilm

Pathogens. 2017 May 19;6(2):20. doi: 10.3390/pathogens6020020.


Bacteria of genus Achromobacter are emerging pathogens in cystic fibrosis (CF) capable of biofilm formation and development of antimicrobial resistance. Evolutionary adaptions in the transition from primary to chronic infection were assessed by transcriptomic analysis of successive isolates of Achromobacter xylosoxidans from a single CF patient. Several efflux pump systems targeting antimicrobial agents were upregulated during the course of the disease, whereas all genes related to motility were downregulated. Genes annotated to subsystems of sulfur metabolism, protein metabolism and potassium metabolism exhibited the strongest upregulation. K+ channel genes were hyperexpressed, and a putative sulfite oxidase was more than 1500 times upregulated. The transcriptome patterns indicated a pivotal role of sulfur metabolism and electrical signalling in Achromobacter biofilms during late stage CF lung disease.

Keywords: adaptation; antimicrobial resistance; cystic fibrosis; efflux pumps; sulfur metabolism; transcriptomics.