RETIRED: Health Professionals Working With First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Consensus Guideline

J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2013 Jun;35(6 Suppl 2):S1-S4. doi: 10.1016/S1701-2163(15)30699-X. Epub 2015 Dec 17.


This document has been archived because it contains outdated information. It should not be consulted for clinical use, but for historical research only. Please visit the journal website for the most recent guidelines.

Keywords: Aboriginal; First Nation; Inuit; Métis; Social Determinants of Health; cultural competence; culturally-safe care; delivery; health inequity; health service; indigenous health; life-cycle; maternal/child health; reproductive health; rural health; sexual health; traditional practices; urban; women.