Between Germanic and Latin eugenics: Portugal, 1930-1960

Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos. 2016 Dec;23Suppl 1(Suppl 1):73-92. doi: 10.1590/S0104-59702016000500005.


This article assesses critically the participation of Portuguese eugenicists in "Latin eugenics" and traces the continuities and discontinuities with respect to this model. In particular, it focuses on a number of examples of more "Germanic" eugenics in contrast and in comparison to Latin versions of eugenics. In the former category, Eusébio Tamagnini, José Ayres de Azevedo and Leopoldina Ferreira de Paulo are considered; in the latter category, especially the work of Almerindo Lessa on "racial mixing" is considered. The conclusions suggest that we should seek diversity in both Latin and northern European eugenic models while at the same time placing Portugal within the array of possible versions of eugenics during the first half of the twentieth century.