An oxidized/reduced state of plasma albumin reflects malnutrition due to an insufficient diet in rats

J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2017 Jan;60(1):70-75. doi: 10.3164/jcbn.16-33. Epub 2017 Jan 1.


We examined whether protein- and food-intake restrictions modulate the oxidized/reduced state of plasma albumin in Sprague-Dawley rats. Rats were fed a 3%, 5%, 10% or 20% casein diet for 2 weeks. The plasma albumin concentration significantly decreased with decreasing protein intake. However, no significant difference in plasma albumin concentration was seen between rats fed the 5% or 10% casein diet. In rats fed the 5% casein diet, the percentage of mercaptalbumin within total plasma albumin was significantly lower and that of nonmercaptalbumin-1 was significantly higher than in rats fed the 10% casein diet. In experiments with food-intake restriction for 2 weeks, rats were fed 50% or 75% of the amount of a 20% casein diet consumed by control rats. The percentage of mercaptalbumin was significantly lower and that of nonmercaptalbumin-2 was significantly higher in rats with food-intake restriction than in control rats. When rats with malnutrition were refed with the 20% casein diet ad libitum, the percentage of mercaptalbumin rapidly increased. The change in the percentage of mercaptalbumin was correlated with the plasma transthyretin concentration. These results indicate that the oxidized/reduced state of plasma albumin may be applied as a sensitive marker of nutritional status reflecting dietary pattern.

Keywords: insufficient diet; malnutrition; rats; reduced albumin; transthyretin.