The IJHPR celebrates five years of quality publication

Isr J Health Policy Res. 2016 Dec 28:5:65. doi: 10.1186/s13584-016-0126-z. eCollection 2016.


The Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (IJHPR) will soon be completing its fifth year of publication. In the 5 years since the IJHPR's launch in January 2012, it has published over 250 articles, achieved an impact factor of 1.35, and secured a place in many of the leading journal databases including, most recently, Medline. The IJHPR's annual rate of submissions continues to increase, with more and more submissions focusing on major system-wide developments in Israeli health care. The journal's accomplishments reflect the hard work and significant contributions of its authors, reviewers, commentators, editorial board members and sponsor - the National Institute for Health Policy Research. New initiatives for 2017 include symposia highlighting the implications for Israeli health policy of selected IJHPR articles and a collection of essays by editors of leading health policy journals about the opportunities and challenges currently facing journals in our field. In parallel with the growth and maturation of the IJHPR, there have also been important advances in the volume, quality and visibility of Israeli health services and health policy research more generally. The number of Israeli health care professionals engaged in writing and reviewing manuscripts has increased significantly, and there is growing interest among international journals in manuscripts about Israeli health care. We are confident that in the years ahead we will continue to witness significant achievements for both the journal and for the Israeli health policy and health services research community.

Publication types

  • Editorial