Assessing Stigma among African Americans Living with HIV

Stigma Health. 2016 Aug;1(3):146-155. doi: 10.1037/sah0000027. Epub 2016 Feb 25.


Purpose: In the present study, we validated a culturally adapted stigma scale designed to assess stigma among African Americans living with HIV.

Methods: We collected data on the scale using an audio computer assisted self-interview (ACASI) format. We validated the scale with a sample of 62 African American participants living with HIV.

Results: Findings demonstrated that stigma can be measured succinctly and effectively in a 14-item scale with two subscales measuring enacted and internalized stigma.

Discussion: We identified many advantages to using the scale, which demonstrated good psychometric properties when used with an audio computer assisted self-interview format and with an African American sample. We recommend this scale's use in both clinical practice and research study of HIV-stigma reduction interventions with African American populations.

Keywords: African American; HIV; Measurement; Stigma; Validation.