Domino Staudinger/aza-Wittig/Mannich Reaction: An Approach to Diversity of Di- and Tetrahydropyrrole Scaffolds

Chemistry. 2016 Dec 12;22(50):17967-17971. doi: 10.1002/chem.201604056. Epub 2016 Oct 31.


A highly efficient and selective domino reaction producing valuable di- and tetrahydropyrrole-based skeletons from azidoethyl-substituted CH-acids and (thio)carbonyl compounds has been developed. By involving the additional functional groups in starting compounds into the domino reaction or postmodification of the primary reaction products, the simple construction of the pharmaceutically relevant three- and polycyclic azaheterocyclic scaffolds was demonstrated.

Keywords: azides; domino reactions; donor-acceptor cyclopropanes; nitrogen heterocycles; synthesis design.