Scapular dyskinesia: evolution towards a systems-based approach

Shoulder Elbow. 2016 Jan;8(1):61-70. doi: 10.1177/1758573215618857. Epub 2015 Dec 17.


Historically, scapular dyskinesia has been used to describe an isolated clinical entity whereby an abnormality in positioning, movement or function of the scapula is present. Based upon this, treatment approaches have focused on addressing local isolated muscle activity. Recently, however, there has been a progressive move towards viewing the scapula as being part of a wider system of movement that is regulated and controlled by multiple factors, including the wider kinetic chain and individual patient-centred requirements. We therefore propose a paradigm shift whereby scapular dyskinesia is seen not in isolation but is considered within the broader context of patient-centred care and an entire neuromuscular system.

Keywords: assessment; dyskinesis; rehabilitation; scapula; shoulder.