Microwave-assisted synthesis of (aminomethylene)bisphosphine oxides and (aminomethylene)bisphosphonates by a three-component condensation

Beilstein J Org Chem. 2016 Jul 19:12:1493-502. doi: 10.3762/bjoc.12.146. eCollection 2016.


A practical method was elaborated for the synthesis of (aminomethylene)bisphosphine oxides comprising the catalyst- and solvent-free microwave-assisted three-component condensation of primary amines, triethyl orthoformate and two equivalents of diphenylphosphine oxide. The method is also suitable for the preparation of (aminomethylene)bisphosphonates using (MeO)2P(O)H/(MeO)3CH or (EtO)2P(O)H/(EtO)3CH reactant pairs and even secondary amines. Several intermediates referring to the reaction mechanism together with a few by-products could also be identified.

Keywords: (aminomethylene)bisphosphine oxides; (aminomethylene)bisphosphonates; microwave; three-component condensation.