Substantive treatment of Lutembacher's syndrome by the trans-septal puncture technique: a case report and review

Heart Asia. 2013 Oct 8;5(1):222-4. doi: 10.1136/heartasia-2013-010390. eCollection 2013.


There are few reports on the primary percutaneous treatment of Lutembacher's syndrome for which surgery has been the traditionally accepted modality of treatment. Concerns for percutaneous treatment in this entity are: (1) it is technically demanding and the dual lesion renders negotiation of catheters and balloons difficult; (2) redo valvulotomy in the presence of an atrial septal device would be difficult; (3) it may not be suitable for all patients with the condition. We describe percutaneous treatment by a hitherto undescribed technique of separate low septal puncture and review the existing literature.

Keywords: Congenital Heart Disease.