A disruptive sequencer meets disruptive publishing

F1000Res. 2015 Oct 15:4:1074. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.7229.1. eCollection 2015.


Nanopore sequencing was recently made available to users in the form of the Oxford Nanopore MinION. Released to users through an early access programme, the MinION is made unique by its tiny form factor and ability to generate very long sequences from single DNA molecules. The platform is undergoing rapid evolution with three distinct nanopore types and five updates to library preparation chemistry in the last 18 months. To keep pace with the rapid evolution of this sequencing platform, and to provide a space where new analysis methods can be openly discussed, we present a new F1000Research channel devoted to updates to and analysis of nanopore sequence data.

Keywords: MinION; MinION access programme; MinION analysis consortium; Oxford nanopore technology; nanopore; sequencing.