Social Determinants of Health: Housing and Income

Healthc Q. 2016:18 Spec No:27-31. doi: 10.12927/hcq.2016.24479.


Social determinants of health such as housing and income have a large impact on mental health. Community-based initiatives have worked to address access to housing, prevent homelessness and assist people who are homeless with mental health problems. There have been several large research projects to tease out multiple subgroups such as youth and veterans and other individuals experiencing long-term homelessness. The issue of poverty has been addressed by exploring issues related to employment. The use of social enterprises is a promising practice to address issues around poverty, social inclusion and employment. Similarly, the community has worked to move hospital-based employment programs to the community.

MeSH terms

  • Employment
  • Housing*
  • Income*
  • Social Determinants of Health*