On the Relationship Between Circumplexes: Affect and Wiggins' IAS

Multivariate Behav Res. 2004 Apr 1;39(2):203-30. doi: 10.1207/s15327906mbr3902_4.


This article offers a new method to describe the relationship between two circumplexes, illustrated empirically with Wiggins' (1995) Interpersonal Adjective Scales (IAS) and Yik, Russell, and Steiger's (2004) 12-Point Affect Circumplex Scales (12-PACS). Michael Browne's CIRCUM-extension procedure was used to place each circumplex within the other. Simulations showed this procedure can reveal the number of dimensions of overlap between the two and can estimate the magnitude and location of the overlap. The IAS space overlaps the 12-PACS space on one axis, which falls at 35 degrees within the 12-PACS space (pleasant activated versus unpleasant deactivated) and at 71 degrees within the IAS space, which is close to where Extraversion (Factor I of the Five Factor Model) also lies.