Origin of the Ability of α-Fe2 O3 Mesopores to Activate C-H Bonds in Methane

Chemistry. 2016 Feb;22(6):2046-2050. doi: 10.1002/chem.201503183. Epub 2016 Jan 7.


Methane is a most abundant and inexpensive hydrocarbon feedstock for the production of chemicals and fuels. However, it is extremely difficult to directly convert methane to higher hydrocarbons because the C-H bonds in methane are the most stable C-H bonds of all hydrocarbons. The activation of the C-H bonds in methane by using an efficient and mild route remains a daunting challenge. Here, we show that the inner surface structures of the pore walls in mesoporous α-Fe2 O3 possess excellent catalytic performance for methane activation and convert C-H bonds into the C-O bonds in an O2 atmosphere at 140 °C. We found that such unusual structures are mainly comprised of turbostratic ribbons and K crystal faces and have higher catalytic activity than the (110) plane. These results are without precedent in the history of catalysis chemistry and will provide a new pathway for designing and preparing highly efficient catalytic materials.

Keywords: C−H activation; heterogeneous catalysis; iron; mesoporous materials; methane.