All-Arthroscopic Technique for Reconstruction of Acute Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocations

Arthrosc Tech. 2015 Sep 21;4(5):e475-81. doi: 10.1016/j.eats.2015.05.001. eCollection 2015 Oct.


Acromioclavicular joint dislocations are a common injury particularly among contact sports players. There has been an increasing trend toward arthroscopic management of these injuries. To date, these reconstructions have primarily addressed superoinferior instability by reconstructing the coracoclavicular ligaments. We describe an all-arthroscopic technique for reconstruction of the coracoclavicular ligaments using Arthrex ABS TightRopes (Arthrex, Naples, FL), with additional stabilization of the superior acromioclavicular joint capsule using an anchor-based suture bridge to address anteroposterior instability.