The relevance of molecular biomarkers in cervical cancer patients treated with radiotherapy

Ann Transl Med. 2015 Oct;3(18):261. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2305-5839.2015.10.18.


Background: Radiotherapy (RT) plays an integral role in the combined-modality management of cervical cancer. Various molecular mechanisms have been implicated in the adaptive cellular response to RT. Identification of these molecular processes may permit the prediction of treatment outcome and enhanced radiation-induced cancer cell killing through tailoring of the management approach, and/or the employment of selective inhibitors of these pathways.

Methods: PubMed was searched for studies presenting biomarkers of cervical cancer radioresistance validated in patient studies or in laboratory experimentation.

Results: Several biomarkers of cervical cancer radioresistance are validated by patient survival or recurrence data. These biomarkers fall into categories of biological function including hypoxia, cell proliferation, cell-cell adhesion, and evasion of apoptosis. Additional radioresistance biomarkers have been identified in exploratory experiments.

Conclusions: Biomarkers of radioresistance in cervical cancer may allow molecular profiling of individual tumors, leading to tailored therapies and better prognostication and prediction of outcomes.

Keywords: Cervical cancer; biomarker; radiation therapy; radioresistance.