Successful pregnancy following the transfer of vitrified blastocyst which developed from poor quality embryos on day 3

Iran J Reprod Med. 2011 Summer;9(3):203-8.


Background: The selection of pre-embryos for transferred is based on morphological appearance. But some poor quality cleaved embryos also can be cultured to the blastocyst stage and implanted.

Objective: To assess the clinical pregnancy outcomes of blastocyst transfer which developed from poor quality embryos.

Materials and methods: A total of 109 cleaved embryos with poor quality were cultured to day 5/day 6 and 27 (24.8%) blastocysts were collected from the 15 cycles/patients undergoing conventional IVF. All the blastocysts were cooling with fast-freezing. Then the blastocysts were warmed for transfer.

Results: All of 25 vitrified blastocysts (92.6%) survived after warming and were transferred to 15 patients. Five of the women became pregnant.

Conclusion: Our results suggest that vitrified human day 5/day 6 blastocyst transfer which develop from poor quality embryo at day 3 can contribute to increasing cumulative pregnancy rates in assisted reproduction.

Keywords: Poor quality embryos; Pregnancy; Vitified Blastocyst- transfer.