Determination of collagen content within picrosirius red stained paraffin-embedded tissue sections using fluorescence microscopy

MethodsX. 2015 Feb 21:2:124-34. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2015.02.007. eCollection 2015.


Picrosirius red (PSR) staining is a commonly used histological technique to visualize collagen in paraffin-embedded tissue sections. PSR stained collagen appears red in light microscopy. However it is largely unknown that PSR stained collagen also shows a red fluorescence, whereas live cells have a distinct green autofluorescence. Both emission patterns can be detected using standard filter sets as found in conventional fluorescence microscopes. Here we used digital image addition and subtraction to determine the relative area of the pure collagen and live cell content in heart tissue in a semi-automated process using standard software. This procedure, which considers empty spaces (holes) within the section, can be easily adapted to quantify the collagen and live cell areas in healthy or fibrotic tissues as aorta, lung, kidney or liver by semi-automated planimetry exemplified herein for infarcted heart tissue obtained from the mouse myocardial infarction model. •Use of conventional PSR stained paraffin-embedded tissue sections for fluorescence analysis.•PSR and autofluorescence images are used to calculate area of collagen and area of live cells in the tissue; empty spaces (holes) in tissue are considered.•High throughput analysis of collagen and live cell content in tissue for statistical purposes.

Keywords: Collagen determination; Collagen determination in tissue sections by PSR fluorescence; Digital image processing; Myocardial infarction; Picrosirius red (PSR) fluorescence; Planimetry.