Introduction to next generation of endothelial progenitor cell therapy: a promise in vascular medicine

Am J Transl Res. 2015 Mar 15;7(3):411-21. eCollection 2015.


The concept of Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs) therapy for adult neovascularization has continuously received attention. They are believed to participate in endothelial repair and post natal angiogenesis due to their abilities in differentiating into endothelial cells and producing protective cytokines and growth factors. Abundant evidence supports the involvement of EPCs in capillary growth and in participating in the formation of collateral vessels, which lead to improved vascular perfusion and functional recovery in target tissue. Autologous EPC now is becoming a novel treatment option for therapeutic revascularization and vascular repair in ischemic diseases. However, various diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and ischemic diseases are related to EPC dysfunction and give rise to additional challenges of autologous EPC therapy. A novel strategy to enhance the number and function of EPCs is needed to be established to provide successful autologous EPCs therapy. Currently, clinical trials for the new generation of EPC therapy in treating peripheral ischemic diseases are underway. In this review we provide an overview and the limitations of current EPCs therapy with an introduction to the new strategies of next generation EPC therapy for more promising vascular and tissue regeneration therapy.

Keywords: Endothelial progenitor cell therapy; clinical application; ex vivo expansion; vasculogenesis.

Publication types

  • Review