The prevalence of pica in tuberous sclerosis complex

Springerplus. 2015 Feb 1:4:51. doi: 10.1186/s40064-015-0841-x. eCollection 2015.


Background: Pica and Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) are rare disorders. We carried out a population survey of pica in our TSC patient population.

Findings: Pica was identified in four percent of cases of TSC. It was associated with adult onset or persistence into adulthood, epilepsy, severe learning difficulties and anaemia.

Conclusions: Pica in TSC is a rare disorder and a coherent history may be difficult to obtain from patients. The prevalence of pica is likely to be underdiagnosed. Pica is a recognised feature in adults with TSC and prompt recognition of this disorder should allow better management of patients with TSC.

Keywords: Northern Ireland population; Pica; Tuberous sclerosis.