Gut microbiota among children living in areas contaminated by radiation and having the cardiac connective tissue dysplasia syndrome

Probl Radiac Med Radiobiol. 2014 Sep:19:277-86.
[Article in English, Ukrainian]


Objective. The study examined the gut (colonic) microbiota in children being domiciled in contaminated zones and suffering the cardiac connective tissue dysplasia syndrome (CCTDS). Materials and methods. The study included 99 children living in contaminated zones. Study subjects were divided into subgroup IA (a comparison subgroup) of 44 children with no signs of CCTDS and subgroup IB of 55 children having the CCTDS. The control group included 24 children aged from 7 to 17 years old. Study groups were of the same gender and age. Results. In the absence of any specific complaints the abnormal gut microbiota was revealed in children living in contaminated areas with a high incidence of 96.36 % featuring both quantitative and qualitative abnormalities that can be considered a dysadaptation phenomenon of both digestive system and body as a whole. Under the concomitant CCTDS these disorders are more expressive, being characterized by a significant decrease in the number of obligate gut flora and failure of its protective capabilities. Incidence of dysbacteriosis grade III in children having the CCTDS is significantly higher vs. children of the control group and comparison subgroup. Under CCTDS the gut microbiota abnormalities were represented with a severe bowel contamination by E. coli with altered enzymatic properties, various types of opportunistic microorganisms, and a high identification incidence of genus Candida fungi at the background of a significant depression of normal colonic flora. Presence of 3-5-component associations of opportunistic pathogens in the colon was found with high incidence. Conclusion. According to received results the examination of intestinal bacterial flora is expedient in children living in areas contaminated by radiation. Application of health care arrangements aimed at normalization of gut microbiota is obligate.

Meta. Ocinyty stan mikrobiocenozu kyshechnyka (tovstoi' kyshky) u ditej-meshkanciv zon radioaktyvnogo zabrudnennja iz syndromom dysplazii' spoluchnoi' tkanyny sercja (SDSTS). Materialy ta metody. Obstezheno 99 ditej-meshkanciv zon radioaktyvnogo zabrudnennja, jaki rozpodiljalysja na dvi pidgrupy: IA (pidgrupa porivnjannja) – 44 dytyny bez oznak SDSTS, IB pidgrupa – 55 ditej iz SDSTS ta 24 dytyny kontrol'noi' grupy u vici vid 7 do 17 rokiv. Grupy sposterezhennja buly odnakovymy za statevoju ta vikovoju strukturamy. Rezul'taty. U ditej-meshkanciv radioaktyvno zabrudnenyh terytorij, za vidsutnosti bud'-jakyh specyfichnyh skarg, z vysokoju chastotoju (96,36 %) vyznachajut'sja porushennja mikrobiocenozu kyshechnyka, jak kil'kisnogo tak i jakisnogo harakteru, shho mozhna rozgljadaty jak proces dezadaptacii' organiv travlennja ta organizmu v cilomu. Pry najavnosti SDSTS ci zminy nosjat' bil'sh vyraznyj harakter, shho harakteryzujut'sja suttjevym zmenshennjam kil'kosti indygennoi' mikroflory ta znyzhennjam i'i' zahysnyh vlastyvostej. Chastota dyzbakteriozu III stupenja u ditej z SDSTS virogidno perevyshhuje cej pokaznyk u ditej kontrol'noi' grupy ta pidgrupy porivnjannja. Pry najavnosti SDSTS zminy jakisnyh pokaznykiv mikrobiocenozu projavljalysja bil'sh vyraznoju aktyvnoju kontaminacijeju kyshechnyka kyshkovymy palochkamy zi zminenymy vlastyvostjamy, riznymy vydamy umovno-patogennyh mikroorganizmiv, znachnoju chastotoju vyjavlennja grybiv rodu Candida na tli suttjevogo znyzhennja predstavnykiv normal'noi' mikroflory tovstoi' kyshky. Z vysokoju chastotoju u nyh vyjavljajet'sja prysutnist' u tovstij kyshci 3–5-komponentnyh asociacij umovno-patogennyh mikroorganizmiv. Vysnovok. Otrymani rezul'taty svidchat' pro neobhidnist' bakterial'nogo obstezhennja kyshechnyka ditej-meshkanciv radioaktyvno zabrudnenyh terytorij ta zastosuvannja likuval'no-profilaktychnyh zahodiv, sprjamovanyh na normalizaciju pokaznykiv mikrobiocenozu kyshechnyka.

Keywords: Chornobyl accident; cardiac connective tissue dysplasia syndrome; children; gut microbiota.