Oral candidiasis: An overview

J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2014 Sep;18(Suppl 1):S81-5. doi: 10.4103/0973-029X.141325.


Candida is the shortened name used to describe a class of fungi that includes more than 150 species of yeast. In healthy individuals, Candida exists harmlessly in mucus membranes such as your ears, eyes, gastrointestinal tract, mouth, nose, reproductive organs, sinuses, skin, stool and vagina, etc. It is known as your "beneficial flora" and has a useful purpose in the body. When an imbalance in the normal flora occurs, it causes an overgrowth of Candida albicans. The term is Candidiasis or Thrush. This is a fungal infection (Mycosis) of any of the Candida species, of which Candida albicans is the most common. When this happens, it can create a widespread havoc to our overall health and well-being of our body.

Keywords: Candida albicans; fungi; mitosporic fungi; mycosis; oral thrush; yeast.

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