Haemangioma of knee joint: a case report

Malays Orthop J. 2014 Jul;8(2):43-5. doi: 10.5704/MOJ.1407.002.


Background: Hemagioma arising in the knee is a rare cause of knee swelling. The diagnosis frequently is delayed for long.

Methods: We are presenting the case report of a 12 year old male child who had a swelling on anteromedial knee which remained undiagnosed for more than 1 year. Patient had all baseline blood investigations and plain radiograph of knee which were normal. He also had got his knee aspirated which yielded only blood.

Conclusion: The aim of presenting this case report is to create awareness about the possibility of a hemangioma arising from a joint which although rare should be kept as a differential diagnosis.

Key words: Haemangioma,knee joint,Swelling.