Laryngeal chondrosarcoma as a rare cause of subglottic stenosis

Case Rep Otolaryngol. 2014:2014:730643. doi: 10.1155/2014/730643. Epub 2014 Aug 13.


Laryngeal chondrosarcoma (CS) is a very rare entity. It is usually seen in 50-80-year olds. It is developed from cricoid cartilage largely. Patients have laryngeal CS complaint of respiratuvar distress, dysphonia, and dysphagia generally. A submucous mass is usually seen in physical examination with an intact mucosa. Distant metastasis is rare in CSs. Main treatment is surgical excision. An 82-year-old patient who has respiratuvar distress is presented in this paper and laryngeal CS is reviewed in the light of the literature.