A rare case of anti-jk3 antibody detected on pre-transfusion investigation

Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus. 2014 Sep;30(3):208-10. doi: 10.1007/s12288-012-0211-6. Epub 2012 Nov 20.


We report a 47-year-old Malay lady, para 4 + 1, with known medical history of hypertension whom presented at Emergency Department with severe anaemia, most likely secondary to menorrhagia caused by uterine fibroids. Her haemoglobin was 5.5 g/dl and she was transfused with three units of packed cell without any adverse reaction, her haemoglobin level increased to 9.8 g/dl. She was then planned for total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy later. Four months later when she came for the elective surgery, her pre transfusion investigations showed blood group as B Rh D positive, with a probable R1R1 phenotype. Her antibody screening was positive in all the three panel cells. Further testings showed a negative Direct Coomb's test and negative autocontrol, antibody identification showed pan-agglutination reaction on all 11 panel cells with enzyme enhancement. Patient's red cell phenotype was Jk(a-b-). Anti-Jk3 was suspected and further confirmed in the reference laboratory by phenotyping as well as negative urea lysis test. This case report highlights an extremely rare but clinically significant anti-JK3 antibody detected during pretransfusion testing. This phenotype is rare in the white population, more commonly seen in various polynesians. Increased awareness among the blood bank personnel regarding the variability of the blood group phenotype and the capricious nature of the Kidd antibodies may contribute to the better management of these patients.

Keywords: Anti-Jk3; Kidd blood group; Pan-agglutination; Urea lysis test.

Publication types

  • Case Reports