PsicquicGraph, a BioJS component to visualize molecular interactions from PSICQUIC servers

F1000Res. 2014 Feb 13:3:44. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.3-44.v1. eCollection 2014.


Summary: Protein interaction networks have become an essential tool in large-scale data analysis, integration, and the visualization of high-throughput data in the context of complex cellular networks. Many individual databases are available that provide information on binary interactions of proteins and small molecules. Community efforts such as PSICQUIC aim to unify and standardize information emanating from these public databases. Here we introduce PsicquicGraph, an open-source, web-based visualization component for molecular interactions from PSIQUIC services.

Availability: PsicquicGraph is freely available at the BioJS Registry for download and enhancement. Instructions on how to use the tool are available here and the source code can be found at and DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7709.

Grants and funding

JMV was financed by BMBF-grant 315737 (Virtual Liver Network). This work was supported by the Max Planck Society.