Stereospecific (5) JHortho,OMe couplings in methoxyindoles, methoxycoumarins, and methoxyflavones

Magn Reson Chem. 2014 Sep;52(9):491-9. doi: 10.1002/mrc.4103. Epub 2014 Jul 15.


Long-range coupling constants (5) JHortho,OMe were measured in series of methoxyindoles, methoxycoumarins, and methoxyflavones by the modified J doubling in the frequency domain method. The COSY and NOESY spectra revealed the coupling of the -OMe group with a specific proton at the ortho position and its preferred conformation. Homonuclear (1) H-(1) H couplings were confirmed by irradiation of the -OMe signal. Density functional theory calculations of (5) JHortho,OMe using the modified aug-cc-pVTZ basis set evidenced that the Fermi contact term shows good agreement with the experimental J values. Accurate chemical shift and coupling constant values followed after iterative quantum mechanical spectral analysis using the PERCH software.

Keywords: PERCH spin-spin simulation; long-range coupling constants; methoxycoumarins; methoxyflavones; methoxyindoles.